What Inspired Me to Write Books

Writing has always been more than just a passion for me—it’s been a calling. My journey as an author began from a place of personal struggles and growth. People often see my positive outlook and might not realize the hard, energy-draining, and painful experiences I've endured. However, these experiences have shaped me and my stories.

From a young age, I have been an advocate for mental, spiritual, and financial health. The ability to learn and share knowledge with others has always been my strength. Sometimes, it felt like karma was testing me, but I realized that changing my perspective on life's challenges could change everything. While the tests got harder and the pain lasted longer, I learned to view obstacles as gifts with lessons.

One significant lesson was to stop making deals with life. I stopped believing that being perfect or hiding my feelings would make life smooth. Life is meant to have bumps and unexpected trials. Instead of seeing these as challenges, I channel my energy into art and expression, sharing what I've learned.

My goal is to help children feel seen and special from the beginning. When life throws them challenges, I want them to have the inner tools to handle anything with grace and confidence.

Recommended Readings:

  • The 365 Days of Progress Growth Journal

  • 30 Days to a New You: The ABCs of Fasting and Finding Your True Self

  • My Journal: A Journey to Healing and Creating


Personal Experiences That Inspire My Writing